Thursday, January 1, 2009


In life there are many trials and tribulations that we will face. But how do we conquer? How do we stand firm?
The Lord has really been dealing with me about change. Not just change but transformation. Transforming into the person that He has purposed for me to be. That Proverbs 31 Woman of God that is in my heart, preparing herself to be shown to the people that surrounds her. The only way to become that strong, confident, and spirit led woman of God is by living in His courts, being completely consumed in the things of His holy temple. Take a look at God's wonders-they'll take your breath away. I found that the things that I enjoy the most are things not created by man but by the hands of God. Flowers, fields, trees, wind, and sunlight are just a few of the things that I treasure in life. They are all just so marvelous and beautiful...look who created it all. How can someone be created by the same God that created and flowers and made them so beautiful but still not want to see what God put in them to be capable of being. The heart, the power, the talents, the personality in itself can with-hold beauty. I urge and crave to fulfill the plans and purposes that God preordained my life to be surrounded in. Living in His grace is so peaceful. I know that I will never be lost, never have to be poor, nor sick and tired because He took it for me. Why not glorify Him and offer the most precious thing in your possession: your life. There is nothing like it! Nothing. I thank Him daily for the people that He has hooked me up with, the ministries that I have been impacted by and got to impact with. He is so gracious and so merciful.
Psalm 65: 4 "Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your holy temple."
We are capable of living lives of prosperity, healing, joy, and unfailing love. Glory to God, I get to live my life out in that blessing! I'm in my wealthy place and I am finding myself more and more everyday through the Word of God! We need to start transforming ourselves out of the label of "Christian" and into the life of "Christ-like".